Fabrication and Welding Engineering

Fabrication and welding engineering courses are available for people interested in pursuing a professional career in metalwork. Most states have a high demand for welding fabrication engineers, since the position entails specialized skill sets and training. The information below can help you decide if this field is the career path you want to take.

Fabrication and Welding Engineering Curriculum

Different schools have their own curriculum, but they generally include the following topics:

Skills You’ll Develop

Obtaining a degree in fabrication and welding engineering is important not only to learn the principles and methods used in welding, but also developing skills needed in performing the job efficiently.

Once you finish the engineering course, you should be able to identify metals and their properties, know proper care of equipment, follow safety procedures, interpret drawings, perform welding processes, handle welding equipment, and use basic geometry and other math skills.

Accuracy is an important skill engineers would develop in time. Fabrication and welding engineers must have a good eye for detail and make good judgments throughout his/her career.

Employment Opportunities

There is always a shortage of skilled fabrication and welding engineers in the United States, considering since jobs are not confined to one industry. Engineers can work in building bridges, manufacturing engine vehicles or aircraft, setting up cross-country pipelines, fabricating equipment with a focus on one or more metals, and many more.

Fabrication and welding engineers who gain experience on the field may be promoted to managerial positions. They may also land jobs as trainers, instructors, inspectors, or plant supervisors.

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